Thursday, October 28, 2010

France In My Thighs

"...My Yoga dojo is right in the heart of Paris’s Communist Central, right at Métro Colonel Fabien. Je vous assure, that’s right, just across from the Parti Communiste HQ — the one that looks like a big diaphragm? Or cervix, depending on your angle? There’s, like, only four guys left that belong to France’s Parti Communiste — can’t say if they’ve ever seen a cervix from any angle — but I think that’s the building where they still come up with all of their slogans and stickers and rants and chants for when all four of them rise up to raise hell. In solidarity. (The liberté, etc., goes without saying.) Gazing at the big cervix/diaphragm was kind of inspiring. It kind of put me in the mood. I came up with my own bumpersticker chant-rant – only it was less political-propaganda-esque and more meditative/reflective (you know, in preparation for that meditative/reflective part of the class) (see how cooperative I am?): Down With Menopause! Rah! Rah! Rah! Namaste! Ça sonne, non ? I’m thinking of trying it out on the Communists the next time I’m down at the dojo and we’re all standing outside for a smoke..."